Raku Firing at Studio Sales
Limit 8 students, instructor Mike Carroll
Saturday, August 20 — 9:30am until we finish on 8-20-22 (rain date is August 27). Optional pre-glazing 10:00 to 3:00 on 8-13-22
About Raku firing
Raku firing of pottery and sculpture in the West is typically a low-fire process done in a fast manner followed by unloading the red hot pots into barrels of straw or newsprint to influence metal oxides and carbonates in the glazes. Workshop includes firing up to 6 pieces made from raku clay ( I recommend #239 clay from Standard Ceramics), bisque firing at Studio Sales if needed, the instruction in the use of studio raku glazes and the firing of the vessels and forms.
On Saturday August 13 the studio will be set aside for glazing your vessels and forms. Pieces could also be glazed the morning of August 20. I will have 4-5 raku glazes available, some are studio glazes and some from Spectrum Glazes. Examples will be available to demonstrate potential colors and finishes. On August 20 the kiln is built outside for the process and will begin at 9:30 am and continue until we finish. The forms are fired to 1850-1900F and unloaded hot into barrels with straw or clean newsprint as a combustible to alter the clay and glazes through a heavy exposure to carbon. The firing takes about 45 minutes once the kiln is heated up and several loads of vessels or forms are fired throughout the day. This can be a very hands on experience if the participants choose. The vessels and forms are not meant to used as functional for food service, these are decorative forms.
Price includes clay, bisque (if needed) glazes and the Raku firing. If using Studio Sales for bisque, work would need to be brought to studio for firing by August 10.
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